I want to apologize for neglecting this blog. My life has completely changed since I last did a blog post. I am now employed :D :D :D so I don't have a lot of time on my hands like I used to.
I have been meaning to update the blog and spruce it up a bit, but work, my boyfriend, new friends and Skittles (my doggie) have taken up my time :)
As you might have noticed I changed the name of the blog. I was never really satisfied with the prior name and I have been wanting something better. I have also been reading A LOT of beauty blogs and was inspired to put a little more time and energy into mine.
I will try and do a lot more blog posts. I have also made a twitter account that sort of accompanies my blog @beautygrace4U
I do a lot of Eye looks of the Day or Jewelry of the Day on that twitter account. Please follow it and subscribe to my blog!
I promise to invest more time and energy!
xoxo J
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